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How to Build a Drupal 7 Jobs Site

Course Summary

This class is an introduction to the principles and skills needed to build websites in Drupal 7. This is a practical, hands-on tutorial and you can follow along with every step.

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    Course Syllabus



    Planning Your New Site

    Getting Ready for the Class

    How to Install a Module

    Preparing to Build the Site


    Planning the User Roles

    Creating User Roles

    The Masquerade Module

    Configuring the User Settings

    Site Building

    Understanding Content Types

    Understanding Taxonomy

    The Anatomy of a Drupal Site

    Site Building Exercises

    Site Building Summary

    Content Types

    Planning Content Types

    Planning Field Types and Widgets

    Plan a New Content Type

    Create The Job Posting Content Type

    How to Modify Existing Fields

    How to Reuse a Field

    Creating a New Taxomomy

    Add a Taxonomy Field to a Content Type

    Add a Term Reference Fields

    Manage the Display of Fields

    Manage the Display of Articles

    Creating Image Styles

    Permissions for a Content Type

    Using the Devel Module to Generate Content

    Content Display and Organization

    Introduction to Views

    Installing Views

    Create a List of Content With Views

    Create a View for the Job Postings

    Different Displays With Views

    Create a Related Content Block with Contextual Views

    Create a List of Terms With Views

    Create a Contextually Filtered Block

    Views Caching

    Site Navigation and URLs

    Customizing URL Aliases

    Using the Pathauto Module for URLs

    Understanding Drupal's Menu System

    Create a Quick Links Menu

    Create a Quick Links Menu Block


    How to Select Drupal Modules

    Adding Date Fields

    Adding Link Fields

    Introducing the Entity Reference Module

    Installing the Entity Reference Module

    Adding a Entity Reference Field

    Views and Display Suite

    Creating an FAQ Page With Views Relationships

    Showing a User Image in Views With Relationships

    Allow Users to Filter Your Views

    Create an Exposed Filter for Job Listings

    Introducing Display Suite

    Create a View of All Users

    A Custom Layout for User Profiles

    Create a Photo Gallery

    Event Calendar and Event Listings

    Create an Event Content Type

    Add a Menu Link for Submitting Events

    Create an Events Calendar with Views

    Custom Error Messages


    Evaluating Themes

    Install the AdaptiveTheme and Corolla Themes

    Install the Adminimal Administration Theme

    Content and Site Maintenance

    Text Formats and CKEditor

    Edit the New Text Formats

    Customize the Content Editor Experience

    Introducing the Workbench Module


Course Fee:

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

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