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Apache Storm Training

Course Summary

Intellipaat Apache Storm Certification training course lets you master distributed, stream processing engine Storm. We provide the best online classes to learn Storm installation, configuration, working with unbounded data, continuous computation, real-time analytics, distributed RPC and ETL processing. Work on real world industry projects.

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    Course Syllabus

    Apache Storm Course Content

    Understanding Architecture of Storm
    Big Data characteristics, understanding Hadoop distributed computing, the Bayesian Law, deploying Storm for real time analytics, the Apache Storm features, comparing Storm with Hadoop, Storm execution, learning about Tuple, Spout, Bolt.
    Installation of Apache storm
    Installing the Apache Storm, various types of run modes of Storm.
    Introduction to Apache Storm
    Understanding Apache Storm and the data model.
    Apache Kafka Installation
    Installation of Apache Kakfa and its configuration.
    Apache Storm Advanced
    Understanding of advanced Storm topics like Spouts, Bolts, Stream Groupings, Topology and its Life cycle, learning about Guaranteed Message Processing.
    Storm Topology
    Various Grouping types in Storm, reliable and unreliable messages, Bolt structure and life cycle, understanding Trident topology for failure handling, process, Call Log Analysis Topology for analyzing call logs for calls made from one number to another.
    Overview of Trident
    Understanding of Trident Spouts and its different types, the various Trident Spout interface and components, familiarizing with Trident Filter, Aggregator and Functions, a practical and hands-on use case on solving call log problem using Storm Trident.
    Storm Components & classes
    Various components, classes and interfaces in storm like – Base Rich Bolt Class, i RichBolt Interface, i RichSpout Interface, Base Rich Spout class and the various methodology of working with them.
    Cassandra Introduction
    Understanding Cassandra, its core concepts, its strengths and deployment.
    Boot Stripping
    Twitter Boot Stripping, detailed understanding of Boot Stripping, concepts of Storm, Storm Development Environment.
    Apache Storm Project
    Project 1. Call Log Analysis using TridentTopics : In this project you will be working on call logs to decipher the data and gather valuable insights using Apache Storm Trident. You will extensively work with data about calls made from one number to another. The aim of this project is to resolve the call log issues with Trident stream processing and low latency distributed querying. You will gain hands-on experience in working with Spouts and Bolts along with various Trident functions, filters, aggregation, joins and grouping.Project 2. Twitter Data Analysis using TridentTopics : This is a project that involves working with Twitter data and processing it to extract patterns out of it. The Apache Storm Trident is the perfect framework for real-time analysis of tweets. Working with Trident you will be able to simplify the task of live Twitter feed analysis. In this project you will gain real world experience of working with Spouts, Bolts, and Trident filters, joins, aggregation, functions and grouping.Project 3. US Presidential Election Result analysis using Trident DRPC QueryTopics : This is a project that lets you work on the US presidential election results and predict who is leading and trailing on a real-time basis. For this you exclusively work with Trident distributed Remote Procedure Call server. After completion of the project you will learn how to access data residing in a remote computer or network and deploy it for real-time processing, analysis and prediction.

Course Fee:
USD 110

Course Type:


Course Status:



1 - 4 hours / week

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