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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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  • Browser Hijaking

    Browser hijacking is the modification of a web browser's settings. The term "hijacking" is used as the changes are performed without the user's permission. A browser hijacker may replace the existing home page, error page, or search page with its own. These are generally used to force hits to a particular website, increasing its advertising revenue.

  • Browserless Web

    The browserless Web describes communication over the World Wide Web between programs rather than between people (with their Web browsers) and the server programs at Web sites. 

  • Brunch statement

    Branch Statements or Branching affects the normal execution sequence by transferring control to a labeled statement in the same scoping unit. The transfer statement is called the branch statement, while the statement to which the transfer is made is called the branch target statement. If-Else & Switch are the two kinds of Branch Statements generally used.  

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Brute Force

    Brute force is a trial and error method used by application programs to decode encrypted data such as passwords or Data Encryption Standard (DES) keys, without employing any intellectual strategies, but instead relies on sheer computing power to try all possibilities until the solution to a problem is found.

    IT Blogs (1) IT Courses & Reviews (17)
  • BSDA (BSD Associate)

    BSD Associate (BSDA) by BSD

  • BSDP (BSD Professional)

    BSD Professional (BSDP) by BSD

  • is a mind mapping tool used to visually organize information.

  • Bug

    A coding error in a computer program. The process of finding bugs before program users do is called debugging. Debugging starts after the code is written and continues in as code is combined with other units of programming to form a software product.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Bug convergence

    The point at which the number of bugs fixed exceeds the number of bugs reported. 

  • Bug Fixing

    A bug refers to an unintended mistake done by the programmer/ Developer which causes the program to give unexpected results in some or all cases. This term is generally used in Computers software/applications programming and is usually result of insufficient testing done by programmer/developer/Testing department or the process reviewer.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Bug Tracking System

    A bug tracking system or defect tracking system is a software application that is designed to help keep track of reported software bugs in software development efforts. It may be regarded as a type of issue tracking system.

    IT Challenges (1)
  • Bugzilla

    Bugzilla is a web-based open source bug or issue-tracking system that allows individual or groups of developers effectively to keep track of outstanding problems with their product. Originally written in TCL programming language, it was later converted to Perl.

    IT Courses & Reviews (4)
  • Build

    Construction of software from the systematic conversion of code into an executable, often with the inclusion of additional components such as libraries.

    IT Courses & Reviews (258)
  • Build tool

    A programming utility used when building a new version of a program. E.g. 'make' is a popular open source build tool that uses 'makefile', another build tool, to ensure that updated source files  will be compiled into a new version of a program.

    IT Reviews (1)
  • Bulk Messaging

    Bulk Messaging is the dissemination of large numbers of SMS messages for delivery to mobile phone terminals. It is used by media companies, enterprises, banks (for marketing and fraud control) and consumer brands for a variety of purposes including entertainment, enterprise and mobile marketing. Bulk messaging is commonly used for alerts, reminders, marketing but also for information and communication between both staff and customers.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Bus network

    An arrangement in a local area network (LAN) in which each node (workstation or other device) is connected to a main cable or link called the bus. 

Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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