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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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  • Online Marketing

    A form of marketing that makes use of electronic devices to engage with consumers and business partners via internet media.

  • Online payment

    Online payment refers to money that is exchanged electronically usually transfer of monetary funds from the customer bank account to your bank account. This typically involves use of computer networks, the internet and digital stored value systems.

  • Online Payments

    Online payment refers to money that is exchanged electronically. Online payment typically involves the use of computer networks, the internet and digital stored value systems. Online payment usually is the transaction that results in transfer of monetary funds from the customer bank or credit card account to your bank account. Apart from credit cards, checking accounts, online payment can also be done through other clearning houses like paypal etc..

    IT Blogs (5)
  • Online Photo Editor

    Online photo editing is service offered to alter digital photographs over internet. This service is sometimes used an alternative to traditional desktop photo editing software like Photoshop, GIMP etc., and provided as complementary features by online image backup or sharing applications like Picasa, Flickr etc.

    IT Blogs (2)
  • Online reputation management

    Online Reputation Management (ORM) is focused on repairing malicious content (anonymous, negative online commentary) posted against an orgainzation's product or service on Internet forums and in the comments sections accompanying blogs and other social media platforms.

    IT Blogs (18)
  • Online Sales

    The sale of IT Products and Services of your organization through internet or over an eCommerce platform.

  • Online shopping

    Online shopping or online retailing is a form of electronic commerce which allows consumers to directly buy goods or services from a seller over the Internet using a web browser.

    IT Blogs (13)
  • Open and Distance Learning (ODL)

    A general term for the use of telecommunication to provide or enhance learning.

  • Open API

    An API that provides a developer with programmatic access to a proprietary software application. 

    IT Blogs (3)
  • Open Buying on the Internet (OBI)

    A proposed standard for business-to-business purchasing on the Internet, aimed particularly at high-volume, low-cost-per-item transactions.

  • Open CA (The Open Group Certified Architect Certified)

    The Open Group Certified Architect (Open CA) Certified by The Open Group

  • Open CITS (The Open Group Certified IT Specialist Certified)

    The Open Group Certified IT Specialist (Open CITS) Certified by The Open Group

  • Open compute project

    An initiative started by Facebook to share more efficient server and data center designs with the IT industry. The approach eases the need for resilient hardware but causes significant hardware sprawl and substantial power and cooling requirements. 

    IT Blogs (1)
Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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