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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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  • Network server monitoring

    Measures the current state of the server, the network and all active traffic. It can be performed using software or using a hardware attached to the remote system.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Network Service Provider (NSP)

    A company that provides backbone services to an Internet service provider (ISP), the company that most Web users use for access to the Internet. 

  • Network Storage

    A network storage is a system that maintains copies of digital data across high-speed local area network (LAN) connections. It is designed to back up files, databases and other data to a central location that can easily accessed via standard network protocols and tools.

  • Network terminating unit 1 (NT1)

    A device that accepts a two-wire signal from the phone company and converts it to a four-wire signal that sends and receives to and from devices within the home or business.

  • Network Time Protocol (NTP)

    A protocol that is used to synchronize computer clock times in a network of computers. 

  • Network topology

    In communication networks, a topology is a usually schematic description of the arrangement of a network, including its nodes and connecting lines. 

  • Network Unified Storage

    A storage system that makes it possible to run and manage files and applications from a single device. 

  • Network virtualization

    A method of combining the available resources in a network by splitting up the available bandwidth into channels, each of which is independent from the others, and each of which can be assigned to a particular server or device in real time. 

    IT Blogs (2)
  • Network+

    Network+, or N+, is a CompTIA certification which testifies a person's knowledge in TCP/IP, managing a network, network operating systems, and installing and upgrading networks. It's often recommended that users with little or no network experience complete a Network+ certification before moving onto their MCSE or CNE certification.

    IT Courses & Reviews (83)
  • Network-Attached Storage accelerator

    A.k.a TCP/IP accelerator network interface card, is a printed circuit card that offloads TCP/IP processing from a microprocessor. This can reduce latency, increase throughput, and reduce overhead costs in a storage area network (SAN). 

  • Networking

    The construction, design, and use of a network. It involves the selection and use of telecommunication protocol and software for using and managing the network, and the establishment of operation policies and procedures related to the network.

    IT Blogs (19) IT Reviews (1) IT Courses & Reviews (16)
  • Networking chip

    A microprocessor that provides the logic for sending and receiving data (including voice and video) on a telecommunications network so that additional devices are not needed for these functions.

  • Netzip

    A plug-in for Web browser s that allows you to view the files within a zip file from within your browser without the need to launch an external application. Netzip lets you create a zip file archive (including one that spans disks).

Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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