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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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  • JavaScript Developer Certificate

    JavaScript Developer Certificate by W3Schools

  • JavaScript hijacking

    A technique that an attacker can use to masquerade as a valid user and read sensitive data from a vulnerable Web application, particularly one using Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). Nearly all Ajax applications have been found vulnerable.

  • JavE

    JavE (Java ASCII Versatile Editor) is a free Ascii Editor that allows the user to create ASCII art. Rather than for editing texts, it is intended for drawing simple diagrams by using Ascii characters. It is like a graphics editor for editing texts instead of images.

    IT Courses & Reviews (1)
  • Jaws dot JS (Jaws.Js)

    Jaws is a HTML5 JavaScript game library used to designed to develop 2D games. It started out only doing canvas but is now also supporting ordinary DOM based sprites through the same API.

    IT Courses & Reviews (1)
  • Jaz drive

    A small, portable hard disk drive used primarily for backing up and archiving personal computer files. It is also used to exchange files with others, to store unusually large files, and to keep certain files separate from files on your hard disk. 

  • JBCAA (JBoss Certified Applications Administrator)

    Red Hat Software JBoss Certified Applications Administrator (JBCAA)

  • JBoss

    An open source application server based on J2EE platform for developing and deploying enterprise Java applications, Web applications and services, and portals. JBoss was developed by JBoss, now a division of Red Hat.

    IT Blogs (2) IT Courses & Reviews (5)
  • jBoss Fuse

    jBoss Fuse is an open source, lightweight and modular integration platform with a new-style Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) that supports integration beyond the data center. The capability to connect all enterprise assets and the ability to deploy JBoss Fuse in several different configurations advances intelligent integration to all facets of your business – on premise or in the Cloud.

  • jBPM (Java Business Process Management)

    jBPM (Java Business Process Management) is an open-source workflow engine written in Java. It enables enterprise business and IT users to document, simulate, manage, automate and monitor business processes and policies. It makes the bridge between business analysts and developers. The core of jBPM is a light-weight, extensible workflow engine written in pure Java that allows you to execute business processes using the latest BPMN 2.0 specification. It can run in any Java environment, embedded in your application or as a service.

    IT Courses & Reviews (3)
  • JCA (Java EE Connector Architecture)

    Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) is a Java-based technology solution for connecting application servers and enterprise information systems (EIS) as part of enterprise application integration (EAI) solutions. While JDBC is specifically used to connect Java EE applications to databases, JCA is a more generic architecture for connection to legacy systems.

  • JComboBox

    A JComboBox class creates a drop-down list of options that can be displayed to the user as part of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).

    IT Challenges (1)
  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Configurable Network Computing Certified Implementation Specialist

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Configurable Network Computing Certified Implementation Specialist by Oracle

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Distribution Certified Implementation Specialist

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Distribution Certified Implementation Specialist by Oracle

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Financial Management Certified Implementation Specialist

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Financial Management Certified Implementation Specialist by Oracle

  • JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Manufacturing Certified Implementation Specialist

    JD Edwards EnterpriseOne 9 Manufacturing Certified Implementation Specialist by Oracle

Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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