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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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  • Email template design

    Designing an email template is an html document that looks like a miniature web page. It is created to tell the email service provider how to render it using HTML tags. Reusability in sending multiple emails is the major advantage of creating an email template.

    IT Blogs (2)
  • eMAPT (eLearnSecurity Mobile Application Penetration Tester)

    eLearnSecurity Mobile Application Penetration Tester (eMAPT) by eLearning Security

  • Embedded C

    Embedded C is a set of language extensions for the C Programming language by the C Standards committee to address commonality issues that exist between C extensions for different embedded systems. Embedded C uses most of the syntax and semantics of standard C, e.g., main() function, variable definition, datatype declaration, conditional statements (if, switch, case), loops (while, for), functions, arrays and strings, structures and union, bit operations, macros, etc.

    IT Courses & Reviews (1)
  • Embedded Computers

    Embedded computers are machines that are incorporated or added onto other devices. Some of the gadgets that have embedded computers are phones, digital cameras, and music players. As a result of this, most computer companies have opted to venture into consumer electronics to avoid becoming obsolete.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Embedded Java

    Embedded Java is Sun Microsystems' software development platform for dedicated-purpose devices with embedded systems. It does not include a set of core APIs, but enables APIs to be configured for the requirements of each particular application.

  • Embedded systems

    An embedded system is a specialized computer system with a dedicated function within a larger system or machine. It is some combination of computer hardware and software, either fixed in capability or programmable, that is specifically designed for the system. Virtually all appliances that have a digital interface like watches, mobiles, home appliances, cars utilize embedded systems.

    IT Blogs (1) IT Courses & Reviews (26)
  • Ember dot JS (Ember.js)

    Ember.js is an open-source client-side JavaScript web application framework based on the model-view-controller (MVC) software architectural pattern. It allows developers to create scalable single-page applications by incorporating common idioms and best practices into a framework that provides a rich object model, declarative two-way data binding, computed properties, automatically-updating templates powered by Handlebars.js, and a router for managing application state.

    IT Courses & Reviews (12)
  • EMC Cloud Architect (EMCCA) Certification

    A certification and training offering by storage vendor EMC on high-level cloud  architecture and design concepts. The certification has two tracks: EMC Cloud Architect Virtualized Infrastructure and EMC Cloud Architect IT-as-a-Service.

  • EMC Cloud Architect IT-as-a-Service

    EMC Cloud Architect IT-as-a-Service by EMC

  • EMC Cloud Architect Virtualized Infrastructure

    EMC Cloud Architect Virtualized Infrastructure by EMC

  • EMCBA (EMC Backup Recovery)

    EMC Backup Recovery (EMCBA) by EMC

  • EMCCA (EMC Cloud Architect Specialist)

    Skill Level: Intermediate Status: ActiveFor individuals who have an understanding of planning, price designing, and migrating to Virtualized Data Centers (VDC) and Cloud environments.

  • EMCCIS (EMC Cloud Infrastructure and Services)

    EMC Cloud Infrastructure and Services (EMCCIS) by EMC

  • EMCDCA (EMC Data Center Architect Enterprise Storage Networking Design)

    EMC Data Center Architect (EMCDCA) Enterprise Storage Networking Design by EMC

  • EMCDSA (EMC Data Science Associate)

    EMC Data Science Associate (EMCDSA) by EMC

Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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