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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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    Results : Starting with D
  • Demand Signal Repository

    A database that aggregates sales data at the Point-Of-Sale (POS). DSR systems capture, clean and harmonize large data sets so the data can be queried. 

  • Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack

    An attack in which one computer and one internet connection is used to flood a server with packets to overload the targeted server's bandwidth, forcing it to shut down.  

  • Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)

    A technology that puts data from different sources together on an optical fiber, with each signal carried at the same time on its own separate light wavelength.

  • Dental practice management software

      A Internet-based software that makes use of Cloud Computing. Its features includes Appointment scheduling, Patient info management, Treatment plans, Chartings, Billing and accounts, Reports, Imaging, andimplementation of CRM and marketing strategies.

    IT Reviews (1)
  • Dependency Injection

    Dependency Injection (DI) is a software design pattern that deals with how components get hold of their dependencies, it could be also through implementing inversion of control.

    IT Courses & Reviews (87)
  • Deployment

    Deployment (aka implementation) should be interpreted as a general process that involves getting  the software/hardware up and running properly according to the specific requirements or characteristics, in its environment, including installation, configuration, running, testing, and making necessary changes.

  • Derivatives

    A derivative is a financial contract which derives its value from the performance of another entity such as an asset, index, or interest rate, called the "underlying".

  • Descriptive analytics

    Descriptive analytics as the name implies they “Describe”, or summarize raw data and make it something that is interpretable by humans. They describe the past. The past refers to any point of time that an event has occurred, whether it is one minute ago, or one year ago. Descriptive analytics are useful because they allow us to learn from past behaviors, and understand how they might influence future outcomes.

    IT Blogs (1) IT Courses & Reviews (1)
  • Descriptive modeling

    A mathematical process that describes real-world events and the relationships between factors responsible for them. The process is used by consumer-driven organizations to help them target their marketing and advertising efforts.

  • Design

    To create (or the creation of) a plan or specification for the construction of an object, system or human interaction.

  • Design Concept

    A design concept is an idea for a design. It is usually accompanied with a design mockup, which is a representation of the idea that isn't fully finished or implemented the way the final product will be.

    IT Blogs (7)
  • Design Patterns

    Design patterns are general repeatable solutions to commonly occurring problems in software design. Design patterns can speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms. They allow developers to communicate using well-known, well understood names for software interactions.

    IT Courses & Reviews (132)
  • Design Theory

    The process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography and illustration. 

  • Designer

    A professional who plans the technical structure, internal working, and/or interfaces of hardware or software prior to it being made, and communicates the plan through a design specification.

    IT Blogs (1) IT Courses & Reviews (29)
  • Desktop Administration

    A comprehensive approach to managing all the computers within an organization. It also includes overseeing laptops and other computing devices as well as desktop computers.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Desktop Apps

    Application software is a set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specific application. Application software cannot run on itself but is dependent on system software to execute.

    IT Blogs (2) IT Reviews (1)
Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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