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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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    Results : Starting with C
  • Common Test Platform (CTP)

    A set of specifications defining test methods for computer components and electronic systems to be marketed as complete products to ensure consistency in hardware and software test procedures.

  • Communications-Enabled Business Processes (CEBP)

    The integration of communications capabilities into software-enabled business procedures, applications and technologies, to optimize those processes and to ensure continuous, low-latency, and real-time communications.

  • Community cloud

    A multi-tenant infrastructure that is shared among several organizations from a specific group with common computing concerns. The goal is to have participating organizations realize the benefits of a public cloud.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Compaq

    Compaq Computer Corporation was a company founded in 1982, that developed, sold, and supported computers and related products and services. Compaq was acquired for US$25 billion by HP in 2002.

  • Competitor Analysis

    Competitor analysis is an essential component of corporate strategy. In marketing and strategic management, competitor analysis is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors. With an effective competitor evaluation, you can establish what makes your product or service unique and therefore what attributes you play up in order to attract your target market.

    IT Courses & Reviews (1)
  • Compiler

    A computer run software program when executed converts the source code written in a programming language into binary form (often known as object code) or another computer language. A common reason for converting a source code is to create an executable program.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Complementary Code Keying (CCK)

    A modulation scheme used with wireless networks (WLANs) that employ the IEEE 802.11b  specification. A network using CCK can transfer more data per unit time for a given signal bandwidth than a network using the Barker code.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Compliance audit

    A comprehensive review of an organization's adherence to regulatory guidelines. Independent accounting, security or IT consultants evaluate the strength and thoroughness of compliance preparations. 

  • Compliance validation

    A formal procedure to determine how well an official or prescribed plan or course of action is being carried out. 

  • Component Object Class (Coclass)

    Contains the code behind one or more interfaces, and is contained in a DLL or EXE.        

  • Component Object Model

    A method for sharing binary code across different applications and languages. COM defines the binary standard, meaning that COM specifies that the binary modules (the DLLs and EXEs) must be compiled to match a specific structure.

    IT Courses & Reviews (2)
  • Component Object Model Object (COM Object)

    An instance of a coclass in memory. 

Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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