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IT & Technology keywords and their definitions. IT Tags have associated tech Blogs, IT Reviews, Technology Jobs & Careers, Technology Courses & Reviews and IT Challenges to enhance the real-world learning for tech enthusiasts and technophiles.

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    Results : Starting with C
  • Cloud storage appliance

    A stand-alone computing device or virtual machine (VM) image used to move data from a local site to a remote cloud storage service provider. Such appliances are used for primary, backup and archive data.

  • Cloud storage encryption

    A service offered by cloud storage providers whereby data, or text, is transformed using encryption algorithms and is then placed on a storage cloud. These encryption algorithms create ciphertext.

  • Cloud storage gateway

    A hardware- or software-based appliance located on the customer premises that serves as a bridge between local applications and remote cloud-based storage. The products are sometimes called cloud storage appliances or cloud storage controllers.

  • Cloud storage infrastructure

    The hardware and software components needed to meet the computing requirements of a cloud storage model. A cloud storage infrastructure accesses files remotely over a network and is usually built on an object-based storage platform.

    IT Blogs (1)
  • Cloud storage service

    A business that maintains and manages its customers data and makes that data accessible over a network, usually the Internet. A public cloud storage service is usually suitable for unstructured data that is not subject to constant change. 

  • Cloud storage SLA

    A service-level agreement between a cloud storage service provider and a customer that specifies details of the service such as uptimes and the compensation the user is entitled to should the provider fail to deliver as described. 

  • Cloud Technology Associate

    Cloud Technology Associate by Cloud Credential Council

  • Cloud Telephony

    Cloud telephony refers specifically to voice services and more specifically the replacement of conventional business telephone equipment (such as a PBX) with third-party VoIP service.

    IT Blogs (8)
  • Cloud washing

    The purposeful and sometimes deceptive attempt to rebrand an old product or service by associating the buzzword "cloud" with it.  Cloud computing is a general term that is applicable to any vendor service involving delivery over the Internet. 

  • Cloud-based networking

    A new way to roll out distributed enterprise networks that delivers enterprise-class network capabilities around the globe, via a highly resilient, multi-tenant application that requires no capital investment in networking equipment. 

  • Cloud-centric laptop

    A laptop that makes use of cloud-centric architecture whereby everything is stored online - in the cloud. It is relatively cheaper than other laptops, but users have to be online in order to access their data.

  • Cloud-In-A-Can

    A.k.a. Cloud-in-a-Box, is a turnkey product for private cloud deployments. Purchasing  a cloud-in-a-can allows an IT department  to deploy cloud services within the company relatively quickly. 

  • Cloud-Oriented Architecture (COA)

    A conceptual model encompassing all elements in a cloud environment. It is related to both Service-Oriented and Event-Driven Architectures (SOA & EDA), and is a combination of the Resource-Oriented and Hypermedia-Oriented Architectures (ROA & HOA).

    IT Courses & Reviews (5)
  • CloudAudit

    A specification on how a cloud computing service provider addresses control  frameworks. The goal of CloudAudit is to provide cloud service providers with a way to make their performance and security data readily available for potential customers. 

  • CloudAV

    A program that provides antivirus protection as an Internet service. CloudAV allows the user to take advantage of multiple antivirus programs without running them locally so the user's computer performance is not affected. 

Awards & Accolades for MyTechLogy
Winner of
Top 100 Asia
Finalist at SiTF Awards 2014 under the category Best Social & Community Product
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Learning Management System
Finalist at HR Vendor of the Year 2015 Awards under the category Best Talent Management Software
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