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Is your file sharing system secure?

Published on 26 August 14

File sharing is an essential part of the modern business environment. Every kind of business, whether in the public or private sector, from sole traders right up to multinational companies, will have some kind of file sharing system in place - even if that just means sending files as email attachments.

Many organisations, however, still do not give sufficient attention to the security of their file sharing system. For those operating in semi or highly regulated sectors, this is particularly important as a security breach could have serious legal implications. But even in unregulated areas, businesses should always consider the potential impacts of data getting into the wrong hands.

The loss of the personal details of customers or clients, for example, can be much more that just embarrassing: it could fatally undermine public trust in an organisation. It should not be underestimated how valuable lists of personal contact details can be - or how many people are trying to get their hands on this kind of data out in the wild west of the Internet.

The best way to share confidential information is to make it available in a controlled online environment, such as those provided by systems like
Professional 8. Employees can then send secure encrypted links to trusted clients and third parties. These systems enable permission levels to be altered or revoked whenever necessary. They are also ideal for synchronisation and version control, ensuring that everyone is always accessing the current version of a file or document.

The best kinds of controlled file sharing environments - like Professional 8 - do not require the recipient to download additional software. This is because there is always a risk - particularly in large organisations - that employees and clients will try to avoid using any system that makes business interactions even a little more difficult. That’s why it’s essential to make your secure file sharing environment as simple and seamless to use as possible.

File sharing is an essential part of the modern business environment. Every kind of business, whether in the public or private sector, from sole traders right up to multinational companies, will have some kind of file sharing system in place - even if that just means sending files as email attachments.

Many organisations, however, still do not give sufficient attention to the security of their file sharing system. For those operating in semi or highly regulated sectors, this is particularly important as a security breach could have serious legal implications. But even in unregulated areas, businesses should always consider the potential impacts of data getting into the wrong hands.

The loss of the personal details of customers or clients, for example, can be much more that just embarrassing: it could fatally undermine public trust in an organisation. It should not be underestimated how valuable lists of personal contact details can be - or how many people are trying to get their hands on this kind of data out in the wild west of the Internet.

The best way to share confidential information is to make it available in a controlled online environment, such as those provided by systems like Professional 8. Employees can then send secure encrypted links to trusted clients and third parties. These systems enable permission levels to be altered or revoked whenever necessary. They are also ideal for synchronisation and version control, ensuring that everyone is always accessing the current version of a file or document.

The best kinds of controlled file sharing environments - like Professional 8 - do not require the recipient to download additional software. This is because there is always a risk - particularly in large organisations - that employees and clients will try to avoid using any system that makes business interactions even a little more difficult. That’s why it’s essential to make your secure file sharing environment as simple and seamless to use as possible.

Is your file sharing system secure? - Image 1

#1 Legal File Sharing and Document Comparison Tool - Workshare Professional 8 - Workshare

Workshare Professional 8 is the market leading document comparison and review software for the legal industry, that offers secure file transfer and metadata removal.

This review is listed under Networks & IT Infrastructure Community

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  1. 08 April 15

    This is a good blog

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