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Burying Unwanted Image Results on Google

Published on 21 September 15
Whether it is a decade old picture of your ruin --like old office building or the unsavory image of CEO and other key people of your business-- a negative photo, showing up online, is enough to stain your neat online reputation of your business. Preventing them from becoming a search result in the SERP is utmost important to keep your business repo intact. Good thing is, image optimization is very much easier in Google than text optimization.

Here are the steps you can follow to hide a negative image in Google Image results with positive images:

1. Utilize the websites and networks which are image-oriented
The foremost step of your campaign should be building your business profile on image-oriented networks like - Google+, Flickr, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Tumbler, Twitter etc. You might have already created the profiles on some of these networks. Choose at least 3 or 4 of these networks that allow the picture sharing conveniently and quickly. Do not forget to complete your business profiles on these platforms for better results.

2. Collect some positive photos relevant to keyword

Since you already know what keywords are showing the negative pictures, collect some positive pictures relevant to those keywords. You can also create some infographics to provide more value to the readers. Remember, Google image search displays more image results on a page than a web search. You need to collect the positive images in good quantity, say a few dozens. Just remember, more professional and relevant images of different kind get more weightage.

3. Submit the images and let Google know

Now, log on to your preferred services and start uploading the images. Let Google know that these images are from your business and are more relevant to the keywords by adding some descriptive information to them.

Rename the images with relevant names and fill out the caption field wherever available. If you are able to work on alt tag also, do not miss this chance. Most of the photo-sharing websites offer the chance to tag people in an image. Well! You can tag your top management people and your business profiles in that for quick results. Make sure the profile is set to public.

4. Push the image out as much as you can

Now, when the images are uploaded and search engines know that these are about you and your business, it’s time to promote the positive images more. Just create new posts on the aforementioned websites and on your personal social networks. This will help create new backlinks to your images. Google will index the positive images quickly and the negative search results will be replaced with the new positive ones.


Negative images can harm the brand reputation shockingly, as people tend to remember the graphical content for long. You can repeat these steps again and again for different search phrases. Positive results might not appear immediately but within a couple of weeks (if you are still working on sharing the posts), you will be surprised to see the results.

If you find this article helpful or you are going through the reputation crisis, do not feel shy to contact us. Our online reputation experts will be happy to help you.

This blog is listed under Development & Implementations and E-Commerce Community

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