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5 Ways to Beat Your Competitors at SEO

Published on 22 June 15

Search engine optimization is a serious matter for individuals belonging to a certain company in any type of industry. You would know, wouldn’t you? If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a professional in the field or have some kind of knowledge on the said matter. Without the use of this particular strategy, you can be assured that your business will be doomed by facing a downward spiral in this phase of today’s obsession with digital technology. No matter what happens, what you choose to do is important because there are consequences that you have to deal with based on your actions. You can either sink or swim with the crowd. You will need to possess sound judgment and the quick ability to adjust and adapt to the modern changes of the current generation. If not, you will sink and fall fast behind others. To know this will definitely bring out the competitive streak in you. You and I both know, for a fact, that there is always room for improvement. With that being said, this form of online marketing method can either make or break your company. When it is used correctly, be prepared to rake in positive results and so much more. If you want to get ahead of your SEO competitors, play the game right by writing down the following notes guaranteed to put your company on the top spot where it belongs.

  1. Learn, learn and learn!

Since SEO is a relatively new field, there is still much to explore about. It has been said that it is not more than 20 years old. Because of its young age, people in the field are currently discovering new methods or new ways to make things easier. Just like Information Technology, you really need to update yourself with the latest trends and practices that are being used. What could be considered as new last month can quickly dissolve and become a thing of the past. The danger here is that you could be implementing methods that could already be considered as outdated. This could be one of the reasons why the SEO methods that your company is currently using aren’t reaching its maximum potential. As much as possible, we don’t want that happening because it could be a waste of valuable resources such as time, effort and money on your part. By learning this, that means it will be a wise decision to sign up and subscribe to a wide range of online sources, journals or even digital magazines that will provide you with credible resources of what’s going on in different parts of the world. Always remember that knowledge is power and the more you continue to educate yourself about it, the more it will show in the results. You will definitely need to accomplish this to have an edge over your SEO competitors. Learning is a nonstop process that continues evermore. Don’t be afraid to go back to school if you believe that this will help you in reaching your goals.

  1. Interesting, fresh and unique content

Nothing beats fresh content. No one wants to read the same old thing over and over again. Visitors already get the message of what you’re trying to say, but they want to see more. You can’t blame them. It’s just all part of human nature. Only you can put an end to that, not your computer. Your computer and other accessories are merely tools to aid you in the process. It certainly cannot fulfil the job by itself because content is not complete without the human touch. The content of your company’s website should be updated as often as needed. People are attracted to what’s new and innovative especially with the latest products and services that you have to offer. If that’s not the possible, think of a creative way to shed new light on old content. If you are attentive to the details of your content, most chances are it will definitely improve SEO by attracting search engines and thus, improving its ranking in no time. By doing this, you can boost your company’s website amidst of other SEO competitors. It’s about time to steal the spotlight and claim the number one throne. Well, to be realistic, you can really land on the first page of any search engine results page. Wouldn’t you want that to happen?

  1. Write about your business

By any chance, are you good in writing? If so, take care of this skill as it will come extremely handy when it comes to writing blogs. If your website does not have a blog section, this would be a perfect time to start one. Writing a blog entry is a casual way of informing readers of the latest updates in the market, research and so much more. If you are creative when it comes to writing, this is a bonus skill for you. You can write in a way that will captivate and draw interest among your audience. The more you are able to relate to people or share relevant and valuable information about the industry with them, the higher chances they will keep returning to the website to keep updated by reading your blogs. This is equally just as important because they are the ones who are bringing in the traffic. This kind of traffic is free and unpaid, which is something that you want for your website. You never know that some of these end up sharing it with other people, which is something that you can use. Organic traffic is better than no traffic at all. If you are able to continue writing blogs in a consistent manner, then this one’s for you. Make sure your blogs are interesting, unique and stand out among the sea of SEO competitors that are out there. If you pour your heart and soul into it, you’ll definitely surprise yourself with the outcome.

  1. Watch closely your competitors

If you’ve been trying your best to improve the search engine optimization of your website, but you feel that it’s not enough, you can always observe closely those belonging to your top competitors. Yes, that’s right! Monitor their online activities and see what’s bringing it in for them. Through this tactic, you can gather an idea or two from the onsite SEO techniques that they are using in order to boost your chances of bringing in the sales for your company. This is more common than you think, but not many choose to speak about it. People choose to do this kind of research because it is easier to gather much needed information especially when your competitors are nearby and whose information presented to the public can be found on their website as well as different social media platforms. Most chances are that you can adopt similar techniques, but customize them in a way that is applicable to your company. By doing so, you can bring the advantage over to your side of the court where you can easily outmanoeuvre in order to win over your opponents. Who knows, they see you as their competitor and are doing the exact same thing as you are. You need to beat them to it!

  1. Connect with keywords

One feature of SEO that seems to be under looked by others is the selection of keywords. In order to understand this, you need to look from the point of view of users. Once you are able to put yourself in their shoes, this will give you an idea on how search queries are formed and created. You should be able to connect the bridge between the two so that search engines are able to locate and rank your website somewhere at the top of page results. The most common misconception that one can pick up is hunt down the most popular ranking keywords. Don’t go for the obvious. Instead, consider using Google Analytics (this is free!) to identify keywords that bring in the most traffic. If they’re relevant to your website, consider using them as this will help you a lot.

As you can see with everything that’s been mentioned, search engine optimization is not something to be afraid of, but see it as a chance to embrace and invest in it. Its results are definitely process-oriented and it can be viewed as worthwhile over a long term measure. Though people may find SEO challenging, they can overcome its obstacles by finding and providing creative solutions that will smoothen out the entire process. In some ways, it is also a good idea to educate not only yourself but also others in the field. It doesn’t matter what your position is in the company just as long as you are a contributor. That way you can work as a team and target on key areas that need tender, love and care. These bits of information should be able to help you in some way in improving your overall search engine optimization. This is important especially if you want to bring or increase that steady flow to your website. Now you’ve been armed with what you need to know, go out there, march, and prepare for battle! Good luck!
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations and E-Commerce Community

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