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How To Keep Your Computer And Tablets From Crashing

Published on 27 February 15
How To Keep Your Computer And Tablets From Crashing - Image 1

A frustrating fact of our tech-drenched lives is that computers and tablets crash. For no apparent reason, they suddenly stop working, or shut down altogether. While there is no way to predict when it will happen, we can control most such occurrences.

Your Internet Service

While your Internet service provider (ISP) is not to blame for mishaps, some Internet-related factors cause crashes. If you have the lowest level of service the provider offers, do not expect to stream live video, open 15 apps at once, or play fast-paced games. The speed allotted will not sustain these levels of service. Neither will it handle multiple devices at once. Limit the work you expect or increase your service level.

WiFi Interface

Your wireless router is set to a channel provided on broadband. Routers are within reach of each other in a neighborhood. If three routers with eight devices use the same channel, it is akin to four cars driving side-by-side on a two-lane road. Like you, they are using a public wireless channel. To avoid this glut, change the channel in your router from automatic to a specific number, search the internet, or ask your ISP.


Install an anti-virus program on your computer. Then turn it on and run it periodically. If you get a virus, and your scanner doesn’t rid you of it, download the free removal tool from McAfee or Norton. Stay away from links on social media that seem suspicious or unrecognizable.

Clean Up

Commercial computer cleaner apps can remove stubborn clutter from your computer. Ask someone you know is an expert to recommend one. Cleaning up your computer on a regular basis will prevent it from crashing and loosing your data.

Clear Cache And Cookies

Smart phones, tablets, and computers collect software pieces, cookies, and history. They have built-in methods of clearing out this junk, which clogs the processes of your system and causes crashes. Learn how to clean your device, either by calling the manufacturer or searching the internet.


If you have a Windows PC, various methods for cleaning your computer are built in. Click Start> Accessories>System Tools> Clean Disk, and run this tool. Repeat the path to defrag your files. For best results, set it to defrag automatically on a regular basis. This gathers the pieces of programs together where they belong and reduces the search time for programs. If you need help to do this, call a company such as iTOK for assistance.

In short, crashes are most often preventable. Care for your equipment, just as you change the oil in your car. If you run into a problem you can't fix, be sure to get the help of professionals to prevent further damage.

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  1. 09 March 15

    I think it is a very common problem among all the smartphone / tablet users. I personally faced such kind of issues and have to restart the browser or the mobile for that sake. I should try some of your tips and see if I can find any difference in the mobile behavior.

  2. 02 March 15

    Thanks for the helpful tips! Now I know why my computer tend to crash easily. I need to do a regular clean up and get better anti-virus software!

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