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Which website designs are becoming popular for 2015

Published on 21 November 14

Nothing says I’m a professional than having a top of the range website with all the necessary functionality to make it easy to navigate through. Therefore it’s your responsibility as a website owner that yours is always updated with the newest designs and freshest input to keep it ahead of the curve. So what if you’re looking for an update but your not sure which direction to go in? Well fear not because I’ve created this article to help you with your website to showing you some of the hottest website trends for the upcoming year. If you have any questions, queries or further advice to add about how to design your website, please don’t hesitate to ask me!


Which website designs are becoming popular for 2015  - Image 1

Outlandish crazy font is out, but what’s becoming the next big trend is bigger but clearer font. The typography of a site is just as important as the actual layout and design of it so you have to make sure it’s nailed on perfect. The font can even be the main aspect to your page if made large enough. Just make sure you choose the right one because no one wants to see a 72pt Helvetica font!

HD Pictures and Videos

Which website designs are becoming popular for 2015  - Image 2

If your homepage and website has pictures and videos embedded onto it, it’s vital that they are in the best quality available. High definition is fast becoming the norm for websites so don’t get left behind with SD and go HD. A pixilated and blurred picture/video just screams out amateur and with the introduction of faster and faster broadband, loading the HD media is no longer a time consuming task for a computer.


Which website designs are becoming popular for 2015  - Image 3

Chances are that you’re reading this on something other than a computer. The way we browse the Internet these days has changed dramatically in the past 5 years. Therefore it’s necessary for your website to be compatible on a wide range of devices. Responsive website design allows your website to look the same when viewing on a phone, computer or tablet. If you don’t have responsive web design, you’ll get left behind fast. Looking for further help on responsive website design, contact Cude Design for more information.

These are just a small amount of what’s becoming more popular but I’ve included these trends specifically because they’re relatively easy to implement and very effective in what they give you. If you’re looking for an upgrade on your website, try these changes!

This blog is listed under Development & Implementations Community

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