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Dynamically access all controls on a window

Published on 04 June 24

Use below code to enable or Disable all controls on a window in PowerBuilder. You can customize this one accordingly.

int li_counter
DataWindow ldw_DataWindow
CommandButton lcb_CommandButton
StaticText lst_StaticText
singleLineEdit ls_singleLineEdit
checkbox lcb_checkbox
picturebutton lpb_picturebutton
editmask lem_editmask
dropdownlistbox lddlb_dropdownlistbox
userObject luo_userobject
radioButton lrb_radiobutton
groupBox lgb_groupBox

for li_counter = 1 to upperbound(control[] )
choose case TypeOf(this.control[li_counter])
case DataWindow!
ldw_DataWindow = this.control[li_counter]
ldw_DataWindow.enabled = false
case CommandButton!
if this.control[li_counter].classname() <> 'cb_cancel' then
lcb_CommandButton = this.control[li_counter]
lcb_CommandButton.enabled = false
end if
case StaticText!
lst_StaticText = this.control[li_counter]
lst_StaticText.enabled = false
lst_StaticText.textColor= 134217745 //Disabled Text Color
case singleLineEdit!
ls_singleLineEdit = this.control[li_counter]
ls_singleLineEdit.enabled = false
case checkbox!
lcb_checkbox = this.control[li_counter]
lcb_checkbox.enabled = false
case picturebutton!
lpb_picturebutton = this.control[li_counter]
lpb_picturebutton.enabled = false
case editmask!
lem_editmask = this.control[li_counter]
lem_editmask.enabled = false
case dropdownlistbox!
lddlb_dropdownlistbox = this.control[li_counter]
lddlb_dropdownlistbox.enabled = false
case userobject!
luo_userobject = this.control[li_counter]
luo_userobject.enabled = false
case radiobutton!
lrb_radiobutton = this.control[li_counter]
lrb_radiobutton.enabled = false
case groupbox!
lgb_groupBox = this.control[li_counter]
lgb_groupBox.enabled = false
lgb_groupBox.textcolor = 134217745
end choose

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