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5 reasons why you need to be choosy while selecting your mobile app marketing tools

Published on 04 December 13

It is natural for many questions to pop in while you sit to select marketing tools ‘Is this cloud based tool viable? Will it increase reach and drive sale? Is it suitable for all users?’ With the overload of marketing tools creeping into the market, there is a possibility of selecting something solely due to the ‘hype bandwagon’.

This tool may slaughter your current app instead of meeting its promises. There is a need to be picky (being picky isn’t always bad) especially while you are off to select marketing tools for your mobile app. Here’s why:

5 reasons why you need to be choosy while selecting your mobile app marketing tools - Image 1

#1 Sticking to simplicity à Thumbs up

Cloud based tools are great, but aren’t that simple to master. Opting for an all-in-one platform for pay per call marketing comes with all the tools you require. Hence you can see that an inclusive marketing system proves to be more time saving, cost saving and effective than opting for a mishmash of tools.

An inclusive marketing system tells you ‘all’ you need to know while providing you with ‘all’ you need to have for your end goal.

#2 Spend time on learning

Learning is no doubt the essence of life, and one should never stop learning. But you need to decide if you want to learn or not after answering ‘what has to be learned?’ While talking about a new productivity tool meant for your app, firstly see if your app requires this new software.

If it doesn’t, it doesn’t make sense to spend time turning proficient with this software, which ultimately wouldn’t aid your app in any way. For instance, gauge if your current app solutions are fulfilling the demands of your app. If they are, spend time learning on how to increase its visibility rather than learning about a new solutions tool.

#3 Reducing bugs

New tools can always bring bugs along with them. Errors or crashes detected in your app will surely bring bad reviews, which in turn will hamper further downloads. Rectifying and eliminating bugs can sometimes turn into a tedious, costly process. Hence, sticking to your old ergonomics and tools is a safe bet.

#4 Allocating resources for apps

The actual picture is something like this à Most cloud-based tools aren’t the best pick for marketing professionals. For users, the free versions like Dropbox, Google Drive work wonders. But when it comes to enterprise-level marketing professionals, the cloud based tools do cost. Also, if you analyse, these wouldn’t really prove to be as effective for the fancy cost they demand.

#5 Be clear about your app recommendation network

Lately, there are networks and app publishers, which promote or recommend your app to the user base (and obviously charge a commission for this). Be very clear before you zero in on a network or app publisher. See to it that they have advanced algorithms, which track user behaviour and preferable content. Only then would they be able to promote your app to the right market. If not, your money is going down the drain.

Marketing tools are no doubt indispensible. But giving a good amount of thought before choosing a tool is equally indispensible. Not only your time and money will be put to good use but your apps future will also bag several downloads. Go in for utility, rather than show. Don’t give in to hype!

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  1. 05 December 13

    tools help a lot in developing any mobile apps. for marketing we have to be very choosy for selecting any tool. since for develop perticular app , need a specific too for this. so it is mandatory to choose right tool and should be usable.

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