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What Are The Steps To Transition Into Data Analytics?

Published on 16 August 18
One can always migrate to data analytics regardless of his/her field and educational background. But people often find the transition to be confusing. If you are also looking to change your career into data analytics, this article will help you in getting an understanding as to what to do and how. There are many companies who hire fresh graduates from the college and provide them in-house data analytics training at their cost. As they are looking for fresh and unbiased opinions regarding their business problems as well as its solutions. Being a fresher relieves you from any kind of baggage and allows you to mold your career in the field any way you want.

Here are the steps to follow to transition into data analytics –

Identify your interest and ideal job
The first thing you need to do when you are changing your field into data analytics is to identify the perfect place for you to be here. There is a lot of scope in data analytics as you can choose to be a traditional data analyst or try some more interesting options such as data scientist, data engineer and so on. Conduct a proper and thorough research into the field at first to have a clear basic understanding regarding it. You can do this while still at your current job and give yourself a head start for the transition as you won’t have to sit idle after leaving your job.

Acquire proper skill-set and training
Now that you have settled down or are close to settling down on the ideal job option for you in data analytics, it is time to start training and acquiring the skill-sets needed to survive and thrive in the field. You have to brush up and strengthen your knowledge and understanding of mathematics and especially statistics as it is the basic requirement of the field. Then, you have to acquire analytics skills, tools skills, problem solving ability and much more. It is better to join a professional data analytics training course for this as they will provide you all-round training required to prosper in the industry as a data analyst.

Get data analytics certification
Although you may have acquired some or all of the skill-sets to be a good data analyst, possessing a data analytics certification will boost your chances of getting into the field as a fresher especially since you are jumping in from a different one. Getting a certification will make it easier for you to start your data analyst career as companies tend to hire certified professional as they come with a reputation attached to them. You can get your certification by giving any recognized data analytics test which take place both online and offline all the time. You must choose the examination carefully though as some of them are designed to provide certification for a particular job option only.

Get into a company and start your career
Once you have acquired a certification for data analytics, you are now eligible to sit in the interviews organized by the companies and organizations to fill up the positions of data analyst in their ecosystem. Once again, you have to be careful regarding making a decision as to what position you want to apply for. Companies may announce vacancies for data scientists, data engineers or other related job posts too. You would want to take up the position you were preparing for since the beginning. Although, it is always possible for you to change course mid-way. You must never take your job lightly though as there is a lot of stress coming with a=data analyst responsibilities and thus you have to prepare yourself vigorously.
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