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How to become Android App Developer

Published on 30 July 18
I am going to talk about the Android development. The specific point, that we are going to touch upon, is how you can become an Android developer, what are the prerequisite before getting started as an Android developer. Also we're going to talk about what are the free resources and paid resources available online, as well as how you can publish your apps to the Android Play Store and how you can earn money with those apps.
How to become Android App Developer - Image 1
Now I'm going to touch upon a few points, that are going to be really helpful in getting started as an Android developer and reaching success in android application development.
Why Android?
First of all, I am assuming that you have decided that from iOS and Android. The Android is going to be my choice and all of the users, that I want to hit, are actually behind the Android devices. So that's why you are choosing the Android. The great thing with the Android development is it's not that much platform oriented like for the iOS development you need to have an iOS device. Of course the iPhone is not necessary but iOS devices like Mac Mini or your iMac really helps a lot. Android is not like that. You can get started as an Android developer on a Windows platform or on a Mac platform. It really doesn't matter. It can be anything.
Decent Machine
Now if you really want to get started, the first prerequisite is having a decent machine. Why the term ‘decent machine’? I would say that if your machine is having, just say, 2 gigabytes of RAM or one gigabytes of RAM, it's not going to be much fun as an Android developer. Because when you simulate to actually run, in case you don't know what the simulator is, you actually don't need a real hardware devices of Android to test your app. In the Android studio, which is the platform where you write all of your code, gives you a lot of simulators, that you can run and can test your apps. These simulators consume a lot of memory. Of course you can get started with the two gigabytes of RAM but your system will perform really slow and that is not a fun. At least four gigabytes of RAM would be really awesome in this case. If you don’t have a decent machine, it it's a great time to invest in it, because you are about to be a developer. All the money, that you are going to be spending, is going to come up because you're having a great app idea.
Programming Language
Once the hardware consultancy is over, the next hurdle is the programming language. In case you are coming up with any other programming language, Java won't be much of the hurdle. But in case you are coming for the very first time, it's a good time to get started with the Java. There are a lot of free and paid resources. It's completely your choice how you want to get started. But here is my tip: don't get stuck with the usual convincing part of first learn C, then learn C++, then learn Java. Java is a language in itself and you can clearly and simply learn that directly. No need of other prerequisite languages. Also I would like to say that you don't need to jump into the advanced, hyper advanced level of the Java. The basics about loop function. Few object oriented tips would be completely ok. And don't spend too much of the time in the Java, otherwise you'll be getting stuck in the Java. You won't be ever moving into the Android.
Learning the Android
Once you have learned the Java then the obvious step is to register as an Android developer to get started learning the Android. While learning the Android you also need to take care that there are a couple of ways to get started as a developer. One of the great way and free way is to get started from This is an official resource by Google and to support all the Android developers. Of course they will teach you all things about how you can get started as an Android studio, how we can install it, what are the requirements, how you can design a few simple apps and pretty much. But the problem is that's an official documentation is always toughest ones to read around. It’s not always so much easy because there is so much of the detail that for a normal user isn’t easy to go around. It's time-consuming and it's free, so definitely get ready to invest a lot of time. Besides, there are a lot of blogs that can teach you to design this or that app. Now there are a couple of paid resources that you can purchase and I personally recommend them. I personally believe that that saves a lot of time. Of course that cost a little bit of money, like thirty to fifty dollars, which is much more efficient than the offline trainings. You can also go with a lot of books as well. But I would say, going with the books is secondary in my mind. First of all, I would like to go with somebody, who already professional. This would be much more awesome.
Registered Developer
So now we have cleared up the hurdle of hardware, we have cleared up the hurdle of Java, and now we are Android developer. What is the next step? The next step is very simple - to register as an Android app developer. This again costs you a little bit of money. Around $30 is needed to be paid to the Google and there is a little bit process of verifying your addresses, and uploading your IDs, and everything. Once you have done, you'll be fully able to upload your app.
When the App in the Store
Once you have your app ready in the app store, it it's not an easy process. By the way, not the app store actually the Play Store. When your app is there actually, what is the next step? Now you need to market your app. An app, which nobody downloads, is not a good use. However, in case you want to just make your portfolio or profile as an Android developer, just upload all of your apps that you have learned or you have designed. That's a great resuming. But in case you want your app to be downloaded, app marketing is the next step. You should be looking for the app review guys, a blog guys to make sure that your app reaches to a wider audience. And that's all about. That's the whole process of getting started as an Android developer.
I hope this post have given you a quite a clear guide and how you can get started as an Android developer. My advice: try to expose yourself in a simple Android application the more simpler apps you are going to make, the more you are going to enjoy, and more you are going to get as an experience. I would also recommend to use firebase as a back-end services because it's going to give you much more exposure as an Android developer.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations and Mobility Community

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