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Top Reasons Why Ruby on Rails is Your Future

Published on 23 July 18
Ruby on Rails is a framework known far and wide to have capabilities which accelerate the time-to-market of applications while reducing the strain on a company’s budget. Although it's ranking recently took a decline due to the emergence of other exciting technologies, RoR remains a framework for the future.
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The top reasons why Ruby on Rails is the future are laid out below. After this post, you’ll definitely see reasons to hire a Ruby on Rails programmer for your next project.

You can Hire Ruby on Rails Developers on a Tight Budget
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As you might know, Ruby is open-source. This means that companies can create fantastic web applications even if they’re on a budget. When the exorbitant cost of acquiring a license is eliminated, you’re free to divert your pre-planned funds to another venture. You might have even noticed that Ruby on Rails is more popular among startups. That’s because of its cost-effectiveness.

RoR Development Ensures Excellent Time to Market

Whenever clients are torn between Python, Java, or Ruby on Rails, the time frame of the project is usually the deciding factor. When clients want their project in good time, Ruby is the framework to utilize. According to a research, development time can be cut by as much as 50% compared to the other languages mentioned. Hence, there’s no need for a developer to waste time developing bulky code since there are default plugins and modules.

Ruby is Easy to Learn
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As easy as A B C should be changed to As easy as Ruby on Rails. Remember the remarkable story of Kevin Systrom? The CEO of Instagram is reportedly a self-taught programmer and he learned code while he worked as a marketer for Nextstop. Although Instagram wasn’t built using Ruby on Rails, the same success story can be replicated using the framework.

Ruby is inexplicably simple to learn. The syntax is just like English and you can easily learn all of the features available. The code is also very easy to read, since it is not as dense as other languages.

Provision of Support and Maintenance is Easy

When you hire Ruby on Rails developers, you expect them to follow you through the whole journey and provide help whenever it’s needed. Ruby is optimized for this! It also helps that there’s a loyal community of users who are willing to provide help.

You Can Hire Ruby on Rails Developers to Help With Content Management Systems

Nowadays, the number of internet users who have a form of content management system is steadily increasing by the day. Those who do not have a blog have a Shopify store and there’s always a demand for RoR development in these areas. Three major features which exist in an ideal CMS are;

1. The intuitive nature of the interface

2. How flexible and fluid the navigation is

3. The ease of uploading content, files, and images.

If you own a content management company, you’ll realize that it’s easier to hire Ruby on Rails programmers to help with building a platform that is concerned with revision, storage, publishing, and reviews. Ruby on Rails is also ideal for search engine optimization and can help increase your visibility on search engines. It’s even possible to assemble a small team of people who can provide support to your customers.

The more important thing is that as your business grows, RoR will be there to support you in all that you do. Scalability doesn’t cause performance to suffer, and you can choose to divide the operation into front-end and back-end.

Apart from the fact that RoR development is blessed with many superior features, it has a tremendous number of active users who are enthused at the prospects of RoR development. This community of users not only makes it easy to hire Ruby on Rails developers, they also provide documentation and feedback which can enhance the decision-making process.

A poll was taken and several Ruby users were asked several questions revolving around RoR. An excerpt of the discussion is provided below.
The Opinion of Active RoR Users

  1. A good number of the respondents noted that Ruby and RoR have attained maturity and this position is firmly entrenched, meaning that it can be relied upon for enterprise-level applications.
  2. Some of the users also observed that Ruby is slowly becoming the desired framework for small and medium-sized teams.
  3. The strength and reliability of RoR development are used in some of the most popular JS frameworks and it integrates well too.
  4. Ruby on Rails can learn from technologies like Elixir, Phoenix, Node.js, and GoLang.

What Ruby on Rails Needs to Do to Cement its Place in the Future
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Coding Dojo recently carried out an analysis of the programming languages used by companies in the US in a bid to identify which language is preferred in some of the large cosmopolitan areas. It might be surprising to realize that RoR development ranked in the top five position in only two markets. The markets happened to be San Jose and Atlanta.

However, this doesn’t dispute the fact that companies still hire Ruby on Rails developers en masse. In fact, they do this with a lot of gusto. Some programming boot camps also streamline their curriculum to cover only Ruby on Rails as a result of its simple nature.

In fact, the most important reason for asserting that Ruby on Rails will remain at the top for a very long time is the fact that it’s being used by some of the most popular companies. Here’s a list of some of them.

Airbnb, Crunchbase, Shopify, GoodReads,, Bloomberg,, Github, solarisBank, Yellow Pages, COOKPAD, Helpling, Apps for Good, Artemest, Intellection, SlideShare, 500px, Zendesk, Soundcloud, Clarity, Couchsurfing, Crazy Egg, Groupon, Indiegogo, Kickstarter, Pixlr, Scribd, MyFitnessPal, Urban Dictionary, Whitepages, and Yammer.


Truly, the future of application development using Ruby on Rails is exciting and promising at the same time. With several established companies already using the framework, we can expect more to come onboard and it can only get better from there.

If you have a project you’d like to complete with RoR development, you can contact a professional development company here, who will work with you to create just the right project for your company.
This blog is listed under Open Source and Development & Implementations Community

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