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5 Things to Know Before Hiring Mobile App Developers

Published on 25 May 18
Hiring dedicated mobile app developers is a process that requires a lot of homework on part of business owners. This is imperative, as it entails finding the ideal match to suit all requirements of the business.

Mobile apps have, in recent times, become an integral part of most businesses. Having dedicated mobile app developers catering to business products has become a strategic component of both big, and (especially) small companies. New business owners today are constantly on the lookout for hiring dedicated mobile app developers, so as to increase business visibility, flexibility, and profitability.

Hiring dedicated mobile app developers is, however, much easier said than done. There are plenty of technical and even non-technical factors that must be worked out before making a decision. In addition to this, the sheer number of mobile app developers is quite overwhelming and presents quite a challenge to the untrained eye.

Every business has its own unique requirements when it comes to mobile app development and hire dedicated mobile app developer involves finding the one most suited for fulfilling those requirements. Given that most business owners have little or no experience with app development, the search to hire dedicated mobile app developers can be a bit vexing. There are, however, certain pointers that will guide you - a new business owner - towards hiring the right mobile app developer for your business:

Looks Do Matter
In the world of mobile apps - especially the newly launched ones - books are usually judged by their covers. A key driving factor for a positive user response to a new mobile app is the overall design and aesthetic of that mobile application. This is because, other than mere functionality, users also tend to perceive well-made visual presentation, to speak for the validity of the app. When hiring a dedicated mobile app developer, you must, therefore, be sure to gauge the creative capability and innovative capacity that they – hire dedicated mobile developers bring to the table.

Agile Work Ethic
The mobile app ecosystem is a vast one and is in a state of perpetual change. And it is only those apps that adapt to these changes, that are able to keep their competitive edge (as well as user base) intact. Put simply, your mobile app must constantly evolve, based on user (customer) demands, while also maintaining a sense of uniformity. You must, therefore, hire dedicated mobile app developers who can proficiently utilize (agile) software development tools (at least once a month) to keep your app, and its features abreast of changing trends, and times.

Versatility in Design
When hiring dedicated mobile app developers, you must ensure that they are familiar with app development on all major platforms - Android, iOS and the Web - as well as devices - be it smartphones, laptops, tablets, or IoT devices. In doing so, not only do you save on precious time otherwise spent on searching for another app developer, but you also enable your business with the flexibility to seamlessly adopt different/multiple platforms and be future-proof.

Business Minded
Sustainable growth is undeniably the final objective of all your business endeavors - mobile apps included. You must, therefore, hire mobile application developers who are not only adept at creating the product but also possesses the acumen to make it sellable. To elaborate; your app offers a large avenue for marketing your business, as well as maximizing the brand recognition and recall. Your app developer must, therefore, familiarize themselves with the specifics of your business, so as to come up with a product that cohesively complements the growth, as well as the impact of your business.

In-house or Outsource?
This one is more of a decision for you to make, rather than a direct instruction. On the market, you will find two types of app developers: those that work from outside of your workspace; and those that actually work as employees of your business, in a temporary capacity. The former is less of a cohesive part of your business and has a relatively external perspective on your business. The latter, however, is far more accessible, and flexible to your needs. Here you will have to make an informed decision, based on the ideal match for your business model.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations , Digital Media & Games and Mobility Community

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