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Get Creative with Text Designs on your Web Page

Published on 13 April 18

Your website is like your mouthpiece on the web. It speaks what you want visitors to know about your company or business. It is also a means to spread honest and updated information regarding everything that is going on in your company. Naturally, a web designer with the responsibility of making a website attractive and presentable, has got a more daunting task to do, than we give him credit for! Apart from the visuals, graphics and arrangement, a website thrives on the quality and pattern of the content that is incorporated within it. People who are visiting your site should be impressed by the way you talk about your products or services and that is exactly where skills related to structuring paragraphs and arranging texts come handy.

CSS is of great help when website customization is in question. Web designers who ace in CSS coding would be able to add text effects like drop caps, recognizable hyperlinks and highlights on a web page using the language. This way you would be able to highlight certain text sections of the web page and demarcate it from the others. If you are willing to add a little customization to your paragraph texts, like adding drop caps, then CSS can be very helpful. You can hire the services of a reputed company in the arena of Houston Website Design to make your page content look stellar. For the time being, let us tell you how to start.

For creating a drop cap effect on your paragraph text, the first step is creating an HTML5 doctype which will have a fixed area for content. The paragraph style in such a page should complement well with the other elements in the page. Before CSS styling is started, it is very important to go through the font style and the line spacing and typography choices in HTML. Let us bring to you an example in this regard.

p.first:first-letter, .dropcap {

float: left;

font-size: 4.8em;

padding: 2px;

font-family: Georgia, Tahoma, sans-serif;

margin-right: 10px;

line-height: 0.35em;


In the above given case, you might notice that the large dropped letter is placed in the first paragraph. The paragraph element in use here, is called first which is tied to the drop cap effect. For articles on the web, this affects looks amazing. It is easy to note that two selectors have been used on the dropped capital effect. CSS comprises of a pseudo class which is called the :first-letter and its purpose is to target the first letter present in any element. In case you need an image in the same paragraph, you will need the help of a CSS background instead of an HTML img tag. Now, with the help of the :first-letter selector, you would be in a position to use drop cap in any paragraph of your choice.

This is the best way you can hope to use some smart tweaks, like adding drop caps, within your paragraph texts. Hire the services of a company in the exclusive domain of web design in Houston to get astounding results with web page customization.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations and Mobility Community

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