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Top Web Development Services for 2018

Published on 13 March 18

Top Web Development Services for 2018 - Image 1
Every year we have seen so many changes, it can change related to science or it may change related to the technologies. However, it is very important to go ahead with the trends or services that are going to rise instead of focusing on the services that already exist.

1. Materialize CSS Framework – This framework is the mixture of the CSS, SasS and JavaScript. It is the open source framework, which is compatible with all the modern browsers. This UX framework governs the looks and performance of individual elements on the website.

2. SSL & HTTPS- The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and HTTPs (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) both are the security purpose protocol that main function to do the communication. The functionality of the HTTPs is not limited to this it also helps in ranking your website. In coming year HTTPs is more dominated then the other protocols like HTTP and so on.

3. PHP7 and above- It is one of the server-side scripting languages that helps to develop the dynamic website and it becomes the most favourite language of the developer. It is not only free but also provides the best Content Management Systems also. In the coming year, it will acquire the large platform in this programming world because it will add the new functionality every year.

4. WPCI- It is the set of the commands that can be used by the admin. In this developer can send the commands to the admin and the admin access can respond back to them without using the web browser.

5. NPM – NPM stands for Node Package Manager, it is libraries that will allow adding the packages and reusing them according to the requirement instead of creating them repeatedly.

6. JavaScript (Angular & Node) – JavaScript is one of the best frameworks that are used by the developer to develop the website. For the better user interface, the developer is deciding to integrate the Angular JavaScript and HTML.

7. Multilingual website- It is very important to develop the multilingual website so that everyone can able to understand what actually written on it.

If you are looking for the best services then you can contact or log on to one of the leading web development company in India is Nettechnocrates. Their main objective to provide the best services to their customers or users.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations Community

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