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13 Amazing Sources of Web Design Ideas

Published on 10 March 18
13 Amazing Sources of Web Design Ideas - Image 1
So, get decided to get started on your own blog? It may be to show your expert drawing tips or perhaps to drum up somewhat of interest in your design portfolio, when you rush into anything at all, consider this: the web (and specifically the blogosphere) is a crowded place.

Having a bank of quality web design inspirations has proven a huge asset to my work flow. Having a go-to set of constructive resources, I can leap into projects faster and more effectively, and better meet the demands of any creative brief.

1.Why you need to go to BWG for design inspiration
Because BWG boasts an expansive, top quality, curated gallery complete with search and a solid tagging system. It's specifically good for:

Portfolio websites
If you aren't the type who loves to take part in the May 1st Reboot your computer each year, it's convenient to have so many other designers' portfolios convenient to steal from get encouraged by.

Agency websites
Agencies tend to catch the attention of the highest-caliber creatives, so their websites often standing high among the finest of the best on the web. These can be uplifting not only for your own agency website, but also any client, business, or portfolio site.

13 Amazing Sources of Web Design Ideas - Image 2

2. Color inspiration
BWG offers you the ability to filter sites by color, which means you can certainly find beautiful palettes that include your client's brand colors!

3. Decide on the blog's content
You want to find out how to start out a blog, but do you really know what you want a blog for in the first place? Blogging in the interest of blogging and site-building is pointless - likely to soon get bored as well as your carefully crafted site will eventually be home to only tumbleweed.

Sometimes it is a good idea to grab a notepad and pen before you even start. Jot down the types of blog posts you want to publish so you always have a reference point you can come returning to if the ideas seem to be to have dried up.

Only then should you move on - know how to start out a blog, now you must to design and populate it...

4. Keep your blog design simple
When creating a design blog, it can be tempting to visit crazy. After all, you want your blog to stand out and for folks to remember you. Just how harmful can a range of colours and a plethora of fonts be? The answer is: Incredibly.

Keep the blog design simple. Adhere to no more than three colours, and 3 fonts. With fonts; you desire a heading, subheading and body copy font. The main text font then can be increased by different weights or qualities, but keep these to a minimum.

5. Make use of contrasting colours
Don't go crazy, and keep to an easy colour scheme. In contrast to colours could work well in the right design. Really a good rule of thumb that your blog features a main main colour, a shade of grey, and a shade for your call-to-action.

For what reason you should go to CSSNectar for design ideas

Three words: Triple. Vetted. Content.
While you will get human-curated content and design inspiration all around the web, a three-stage curation process that features hand-picked experts really brings the cream of the crop to the best.

Detailed filtering options

13 Amazing Sources of Web Design Ideas - Image 3

CSS Nectar makes finding inspiration for specific site types easy with their tags and filters, which include category, feature, country, and color tags summer. Keep your design goal-driven If the purpose of your blog is to become conversions - whether that's sales, signups, or enquires - then everything else comes second. This kind of means you should create a design blog that is meant with 3 things at heart:
Theme: What is your blog about?
Value proposition: What makes it unique?
Target audience: Who is your main audience?
To get conversion rates, your design blog needs a strong call-to-action in its design, be that headlines, prominent buttons, or even arrows. A goal-driven design will help going through your brilliant blog convert, and keep site visitors rebounding time and time again.

6. Help Look
Sometimes, the best blog designs are also the simplest. Help Scout, manufacturers of customer service software, uses an unique but minimalist design on the blog that we love -- it limits the use of copy and visuals and embraces negative space.

What we specifically like about this blog is its use of featured images for all posts, including a screaming one at the top that highlights a recent or particularly popular access. These icons are collection in front of dazzling, block colors that capture the readers' eye and signal the particular post is about. And functions -- everything about this blog's design says "clean" and "readable. "

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7. Microsoft company Stories
Full disclosure: We now have totally gushed over Microsoft's "Stories" microsite before. All of us can't help it -- selection way to rejuvenate an old-school brand than with a blog that boasts beautiful, interactive, and inspiring branded content? As well as, the square layout of these stories is similar of the Microsoft company logo, which achieves a valuable brand consistency.

Microsoft Reports is also a perfect example of what type of business blog can certainly be a major asset for a general rebrand. Found in recent years, Microsoft did to humanize its brand, largely in response to a rivalry with Apple. The "Stories" microsite has an easy tagline -- "Get a quick look into the people, places and ideas that move all of us. " It's the much softer side of Microsoft, so to speak.

When if you're planning to convey a certain brand message, your blog can be used to communicate it -- both aesthetically, and content-wise.

8. Design Dairy
Design Dairy, an online modern-day design outlet, uses a quite easy structure to highlight its blogposts. The sidebar to the right -- which remains obvious when a blog post is opened to read -- is exquisite for showcasing thumbnail images for new articles. That's an indoor link strategy, which helps you to encourage readers to remain on the webpage longer.

The social icons at the top are a pleasurable combination with the overall look and feel of the website -- they're easy to identify, and make it easy to share Style Milk's content. (And to find out about adding social switches to your website, check out this post. ) a few. Web designer Depot Which has a name like "Web designer Depot, inches it's no wonder that the design news site is visually appealing.

One thing that individuals particularly like is the way in which Webdesigner Depot has incorporated social sharing device to each individual post. Although we of course suggest actually reading each bit, having those links quickly available helps visitors immediately share a headline they find interesting. And check out those navigation arrows on the right -- never before has it been so easy to scroll to the top or bottom of any web page.

What's more, the color scheme, background, and web site are typical steady -- which keeps this web site looking professional, but still distinct from the basic blog themes we might be used to seeing.

9. Goodwill Industries Foreign

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Who says nonprofit or ganizations can't blog? Nay, they should -- and Goodwill's clean, colourful navigation (again -- the trusted blue) draw someone to the important elements of your blog.

The content are also neatly located and easily accessible to readers. And, visitors can pick the sort of information that will matter to them the most by choosing a topic from the drop-down menu on the top right.

Finally, we love that there are a collaborative call to action in the preliminary text that invites visitors to contribute content to the Goodwill blog. Following all, the organizations services have reached 37 , 000, 000 people -- here's a way for those to discuss their stories, or request donors to write about why they chose to support Goodwill.

10. The design resonates with the target audience.
A website needs to be directly focused -- speaking to the right people in their language. The best homepages avoid "corporate gobbledygook, " and get eliminate of the fluff.

11. The design communicates a compelling value proposition.
Once a visitor arrives on your homepage, it needs to compel them to stick around. The home-page is the best destination to nail your value task so that prospects choose to stay on your website and not find their way to your competitors'.

12. The design is improved for multiple devices.
All of the the homepages listed here are highly usable, which means they are easy to navigate and there usually are "flashy" objects that get in the way of browsing, such as adobe flash banners, animations, pop-ups, or overly-complicated and unnecessary elements. The majority are also mobile-optimized, which is an incredibly important must-have in the current mobile world.

13. Cobb Pediatric Therapy Services
For what reason It's Brilliant
The subject and sub-headline appeal to the visitors' emotional aspect: "Work With a Firm That Gets It"; "Trust us. We've been there too! We'll find careers where you can flourish. " That value proposal is unique and convincing.
It's hard to show from the screenshot above, however the headline is on a rotating carousel that caters to specific matrimonios, from job job seekers to people searching for a therapist for their classes.
There are lots of pathways visitors can take when they get there on the page, but the calls-to-action are situated well, worded simply, and contrast with the others of the page.

Avoid worry, it's an common design challenge for all in the web industry. Smartest thing you can do is to keep updated with the latest UI/UX best practices, design around your content, keep your images flexible, always consider your navigation please remember end user experience is key.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations Community

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