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6 must do's for beginners at SEO

Published on 22 February 18

Whether you are a newbie at SEO (search engine optimization) or just can't get a hang of it, it is imperative to know that there is no magic way to rank your website on the first pages of Google, Yahoo or Bing. Since there are complex algorithms and a systematic method for bots to be signaled about your website's ranking, there are only a few things you can do to gain the needed spotlight within a realistic timeframe. The problem arises when you cannot get those 'things' into working order. Don't know what we are talking about? Fret not.

What most SEO based articles and blogs provide are general and generic tips. What you will read in our article is what is coming from experience and expertise. Learn from the pro's and give your website guaranteed SEO services for a higher rank within months!

Title Names Matter

Your website may be self-explanatory, describing what it is about and how it can aid the viewers but no one truly has free time to explore the whole website. What they do instead is read the titles of web pages and skim through.

That is why it is important to design each page uniquely, beginning from the name of the page. Each page needs to have a catchy yet informative title which truly defines that page's content.

As for the home page title name, it can either have your website's original name, your own name, your business's name or small informative bits about what the website is about. For example, if you own a health-based website named 'Fitness Monster', you can add words like 'weight loss tips, exercise hacks, etc' in your title.

Online User Experience

What do you expect when you open an online website? You look for site speed, easy navigation, products and services you are looking for, and how you can avail them with a few simple clicks.

With that said, it is crucial that you provide your users with the utmost experience from the moment they open your website to the moment they shut it down.

When you avail e-commerce SEO services from a renowned company, the professionals make sure your online viewers find you easily and that is the start of a good user experience.

All Device Compatibility

We live in a day and age where new devices pop up like candies! Not only are new technological devices readily available everywhere but due to their amazing prices, everyone switches at least one device within 2 years.

Therefore, it is essential that your website design is responsive, is mobile optimized and is cross-device attuned. So that when your customers open your website on their tablet or their phone, it opens perfectly and is the right size for that specific screen.

Keyword Planning and Grouping

Grouping of keywords refers to the creation of a cluster of keywords which aids in optimizing landing pages, identifying content and copywriting.

This task can be difficult and hence it important to hire a professional to help you achieve the correct pattern for guaranteed SEO services.

Build Links

Link building is the ideal form of off-page SEO and it helps your website mutually with the affiliated websites. Needless to say that link building helps improve SEO aspects by a great deal.

Add Schema Markup

Schema markup is easy to use and believe us that Google and other search engines appreciate it. Schema markup will make your search results more attractive when customer reviews pop up, relevant images, names of searched products and other bits of essential information.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations and E-Commerce Community

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