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Surefire Ways to Improve Online Video Productions

Published on 31 January 18
Surefire Ways to Improve Online Video Productions - Image 1

Producing outstanding internet videos helped many online celebrities capture the attention of significant audiences. Not everyone has lofty goals of achieving fame. The purpose of creating videos could be to promote a business. Regardless of the reason why the online videos are being made, the videos must look professional.

Simply creating the videos and posting them online doesn’t exactly maximize success potential. More work must go in the making the videos look appealing. Otherwise, they will connect with an audience. Exploring a few methods for improving videos could lead to excellent results.

Improve Video Quality

Using an old video camera to capture images might no longer be acceptable. The finished video could look a little bit too grainy or the colors my being decidedly lacking in sharpness. Regardless of the specific problem, the video flat out doesn’t look good. Upgrading your camera must become a top priority or else people are not going to watch the video.

Yes, purchasing a new camera comes with costs. The cost may be required because the current camera outright undermines the cause of building an audience.

Add Excellent Graphics

Videos that do not contain any graphics can prove to be a little dull. Even when the content of the video is excellent from a scriptwriting perspective, a lack of credits or other unique effects detracts from the content. Invest in an editing program to devise videos with solid transitions and other effects to craft a more dynamic finished product. Subtitle services may even prove helpful to increase the scope of the audience reached.

This is not a suggestion to go overboard with the visuals. Making that mistake could create a cluttered video. Utilize the effects at the right time in a motivated manner. This leads to an impressive visual display that doesn’t suffer from excess.

Lighting and Background Count

Poor lighting makes it difficult to see images on the video. The video could end up with too many shadows or even appear extremely grainy. Lighting up the set becomes the logical way to address such deficiencies. Inexpensive mini-floodlights could be purchased to improve lighting in a reliable way.

Adding light to a terrible set won't exactly make all problems go away, though. Bland sets won't be helpful. The backdrop of a video plays a significant role in terms of making it look good. No, the set doesn't need to be dressed up like an elaborate Broadway play. Filming an exercise video in an empty room with a mat looks boring. Filming the same video in a gym loaded with modern equipment changes things immensely.

Avoid Handheld Cameras

To be honest, there are times in which a handheld camera actually adds to the aesthetics of a video. The handheld look may create a documentary feel or it may come off as amateurish. When good framing is critical, do not ask someone to just hold the camera. Invest in a good tripod. This way, the video doesn't appear shaky or otherwise look unprofessional. A poor look creates a bad impression on viewers.

Edit in B-Roll Images

A static shot of someone speaking in front of the camera can get quite boring after a while. Describing things with speech alone can be confusing, too. One way to solve both problems entails editing B-roll footage into the video. So, someone talking about the environment could edit in clips of the local mountains and rivers. Such an edit can certainly change up the visuals for the better and keep viewers from becoming bored.

Tweak the Audio

Be sure the right microphones have been chosen since poor audio quality can ruin a video. Washed out or low audio doesn't exactly captivate viewers. Just as B-roll can be effective on a video, so can a musical backdrop. As long as copyrights aren't being infringed upon, using music in the background of a video at the appropriate moment could prove valuable to the content.

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