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Controlling your Company From the Tip of Your Finger

Published on 09 August 17
Controlling your Company From the Tip of Your Finger - Image 1

Remember the good old days when companies only relied on simple keys to let employees in and out of the offices? Sure, most people still use this method because of its simplicity, but there is no denying that it has some serious vulnerabilities. The most obvious reason is that conventional locks could not, and still cannot be able to identify and distinguish one individual from another. In addition, you cannot control or monitor the hours an employee works unless you are around to supervise, which is also annoying and tiresome.

However, with the recent technological improvements in the security sector, there are better and more efficient solutions available to you. No longer do you have to worry about letting in the wrong kind of person in an area that needs a high-security clearance. Key Cards, smart locks, and face-detection cameras have reshaped security today.

So what does all this mean to you? The simple answer is productivity. Since all elements of security have been digitized, you can work on more important things rather than hire people to do the jobs that once relied on human beings. While not 100% efficient, especially when we consider facial recognition cameras, these pieces of technology are slowly becoming smarter and more reliable by the day.

Are These Systems Secure?

The question of security is ideally two-sided. For one, you have to ask yourself what kind of security you need, and then secondly, you have to consider the kind of system that you would require to secure your property. Bluetooth and Near Field Communication (NFC) are almost identical in many ways, but the subtle differences are what make one system more applicable for a particular situation. Payment systems, for instance, prefer NFC to Bluetooth because NFC is deemed more secure since it only works when the two required elements are close to one another.

Some people would say NFC is simple, and it actually is. After all, you only need to have a cell phone that has this technology, and your only work would be to tap it against the other NFC-enabled gadget. NFC can equally facilitate easier identification of employees since the employees can be issues with identity cards that have been fitted with NFC chips. A dispatch software such as this one is way better than having employees physically signing in when arriving at work.

Wireless technology is somewhat reviled because it is more susceptible to malware attacks [3]. Such cyber-attacks can literally compromise your company’s entire IT system.

Solution to the Problem

Part of the answer to some of these problems lies in the use of Biometric systems. Come to think of it, no one is able and likely to steal a part of your body, and if they do, getting the systems to work will be a whole new headache.

Fingerprint scanners are perhaps the most common types of biometric systems. Companies in need of tight security even have iris and facial recognition scanners, and it is highly likely that we will be seeing more of these systems in the future based on the fact that smartphones are incorporating these technologies too. However, it would still take some time before these systems are perfect.

Your best bet would be to have multiple systems that rely on different technologies so that you can always be assured of security in case one system fails. All these technologies which allow you to control your company from the tip of your finger have both the pros and cons, but with some tips and tricks, you can also enjoy the services. Before choosing one or multiple choices that will best suit your company, analyze on the security and conveniences first. It should be able to dispatch data directly to you and employees so as to increase communication and safety which will contribute to the success of the company at large.


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