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Win the Mobile App Race with a High Performance App

Published on 16 September 16

Nowadays, apps are everywhere - be it social media, entertainment, news, gaming, health, banking or any other utilities. The reason being people love to spend more time with apps rather than on web browsers. This view is substantiated by the graph below depicting 90% of time spent by mobile users working on apps and only rest 10% time on browsers.

Win the Mobile App Race with a High Performance App - Image 1

Keeping this fact in mind, investing in a mobile app is undoubtedly a smart business decision and no wonder that app stores witness a surge in number of apps every year. According to Statista, in June 2016 there were almost 2.2 million android applications for downloading in Google Play Store and with 2 million apps Apple Store was not far behind (see graph below for more detail).

The fate of mobile apps is really uncertain as mobile users are very choosy these days. 20% of the apps are just opened once by users after downloading. Slow loading apps can really turn away impatient users and it is noted that 25% of users leave a mobile app forever on just 3 seconds of delay even if the app has great design. Therefore, the performance of your app is of utmost importance that decides the span of time it would be allowed to spend on a user’s mobile. As discussed above, your unique app must be able to meet the users’ expectations to sustain this fierce competition. How much ever you spend on app design and promotion but ultimately it’s the performance factor that decides its longevity.

So, what exactly is performance testing and what can you accomplish through it? Well, it is basically about discerning the capability of the system under normal conditions when the load that is number of active users is less. Next, how the app behaves under critical conditions when the number of active users increases is checked. The intensity of work load is changed and the test is carried out for longer duration to find out if its performance suffers in long term and ensure that it doesn’t crash under heavy load. Moreover, the energy consumption of the app is checked by tracking the battery usage while running the app on various mobile devices. Also the response time is detected on different devices with different memory specifications and with different data network type.

The mobile app testing in itself is a big chapter within the app development process and our mobile app development specialists know its significance and hence perform these tests proficiently to ensure that the end-user feels intuitive with the app and remain glued to it.

View more information on Outsourcing Mobile Applikation Entwicklung, Mobile Applikation Spezialist and Android Applikation Spezialist.

This blog is listed under Development & Implementations and Mobility Community

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