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How to Create App Wireframe

Published on 30 August 16

I think you may not have no idea about app wireframe, so if I move straight away to the topic, there is a chance that you can’t understand the concept clearly. Let me explain app wireframe first.

App Wireframe is used to design app features and functionalities using pen and paper or wireframing tool.

I would like to explain the app wireframe creation procedure clearly with the steps it involved.

Wireframe is a framework of screens, providing a structural look at the layout of an app. How to create it?
How to Create App Wireframe - Image 1

Sketch your ideas

Meanwhile, if you are working for an app project with your team members or you are handling the project on your own, just make sure that you are keeping a track record of your app project and your thoughts that how the app should be developed, and how the app screens should be look like. In your thoughts, if you include the labels, navigation, and buttons, it is not a problem. It is better to sketch your ideas in a drawing pattern instead of keeping it in your mind because it can help to present your ideas, which can work and which can’t work practically.

Approach Wireframing in Different Angles

In wireframing, there are different approaches, which can be used depending on your requirement, so in that top level approaches are epicentre design, and linear approach.

Epicentre Design

If you decided to start the main task of a design from the outwards and you want to ignore the navigation and the branding part by using the epicenter design, you can work on those but one important thing is this one will perfectly work in web app design than native app.

Linear Approach

This is the most common approach followed by many best mobile app design company while designing the mobile app (or native app).This can be started from the home screen and forward through the user interface, you can go according to your sketch. Almost all the app which followed the linear approach have simple user interface.

Referring similar Apps helps you create more proper user interface

It is better to refer similar apps you wanted to build to get an idea and mutual understanding between the app interfaces.You can clearly understand the concept of what users expectations in terms of navigation and buttons. If you understand those things, then you can easily craft your sketch.

Why users reject app?

Think like a user, what are the reasons behind firing up your app by the user. Reasons may be as followings:

1. Features of the app

2. Navigations and buttons

3. Improper navigations in the personal settings of the app

4. Improperly placed logo

Now it is time to sketch it on a piece of paper keeping above points in mind.

It is the time to imagine yourself as a user and starts to implement your plan that you prepared for the first task in the user flow. That means from the home screen to navigation and buttons. Sketch it perfectly until you get a rough sketch of your plan from the beginning to end. If you can’t then you can use an extra button in the wireframes so that can help.

If you get confused or if your mind needed some rest, then take a break come back and again go through the task, in this time it is better to think about whether your paper buttons which you sketched is making a sense or not. If they won’t work, try again to redraw it until working.

Hope now you got a perfect user flow.The process which you are going to make may take time. That could be half an hour or a couple of days, which depends on the complexity of your app. The next step is mobile app designing process, it is the time to upload your app to the mobile to test, so that you can get a quick feedback from your friends or coworkers.

Looking for the best app development company?

We FuGenX are the best iOS app developers delhi ncr. Our expert mobile app developers follow those steps which are given above and then they start to develop your app, Enquire with your Ideas, FuGenX will turn your ideas into App. FuGenX is also recognized as a premier iPhone app design company in India.
This blog is listed under Development & Implementations Community

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