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Introduction of RIA - Rich Internet Applications

Published on 23 July 16
Introduction of RIA - internet applications Rich Internet Applications
Rich internet applications (RIA) are web application which has the feature and function of a desktop. With more users using internet and doing interaction by browsing various sites, the RIA was much awaited answer to the speed and enhance the software to be intractable. Today speed is the main criteria with colorful graphics and user friendly application in internet. Desktop and mobile users have more interactive picture or video applications and browser games for entertainment. What does RIA do? It process information in server and sends to client which makes the process fast. Internet technology training and Internet applications are based on servers whose location is far off, when we run a program it does not run on the user machine. Through internet it reaches server, there it gets processed and again through internet it reaches the user and this is very fast due to RIA. Rich internet application technology communicates with web server by exchanging data. This small change makes a big difference in web designing.

HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, DOM, Website Design, PHP 5.,XML, MYSQL 5.0, AJAX, Zend Framework, Apache Webserver, Drupal, CMS, Joomla, Smarty are the few topics which make RIA 2.0 work.

Using your skills as a developer, you can easily produce dynamic, powerful applications for the Web. Write once run anywhere is the fundamental idea of RIA. This is also call thin client architecture application. Likewise internet and mobile security was also developed using RIA.

Different tools allow developers to create different kinds of internet applications training in bangalore. Rich Internet Application which was coined by macromedia in 2002, with Web 2.0 got important place in the web world. Constant demand for new looks in website has craved programmers for new language concepts. Rich internet application course and concept is third generation web application concept which can develop desktop and mobile application. This has spurted a demand for rich internet application trained professional.

Leading websites across world like google, gmail, facebook, yahoo beta, are using RIA. More people will demand technology which can cater to their need for simple internet use. RIAs is the path for customization and product of the future.

RIA application training can be undertaken by any Engineering or BCA students. Professionals who are already in web designing; this is the most sought software package to learn. Learning RIA will enhance your knowledge at par with the ongoing demand and requirements in industry. Rich internet application training course you undertake will make a mark in your life. Professionals who have undergone RIA training do say it has exceeded their goals in designing websites. All college students must know about web application before starting software courses like software testing and web designing for the clients websites.

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