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6 Of the Most Effective Ways to Use Technology in the Workplace

Published on 14 April 16

Technology drives pretty much everything we do at work, but not every company takes the time to think about how they use it. With a little planning and some help from your IT department, companies can leverage technology to be more effective and save money. Here are a few ways to more effectively use technology in the workplace.
6 Of the Most Effective Ways to Use Technology in the Workplace - Image 1
Digital Signs

Add strategically placed digital signs to your workplace to make it easier to get the word out about job openings, events and training sessions. The signs let you distribute key information without sending a ton of emails, and messages can usually be pre-scheduled to make notifications easier.
Messaging Apps

Employees lose hours each week waiting for replies to emails and tracking down coworkers for short conversations. Messaging apps like Slack or Hangouts let employees quickly touch base and get the info they need to keep working.
Webinars & Live Streams

If you have team members in different time zones or departments with very different work schedules, then it can be hard to get everyone together for company-wide announcements or news. Use webinars and live streams to make presentations and events accessible to employees in every time zone, and whenever their schedules allow viewing. You can also record training sessions, so it’s easier for new employees to get up to speed.
Groups Calendars

Scheduling meetings remains one of the most frustrating parts of workplace life, especially if you have a large group. Group calendars make everyone's availability clear and cuts back on the need for emails to find a good time. Your IT or tech support staff should be able to quickly set this up for you if the feature isn't already enabled.
Online Project Management

Having a central place to manage schedules, documents, tasks and milestones can increase the productivity of any team. You can try newer tools like Asana or Trello, but companies with SharePoint can also get team sites setup quickly.
Video Conferences

Matching a face with a voice makes communication about sensitive or complex issues easier by making participants more relatable. Use video conferencing software to increase the productivity and civility of discussions. This is especially helpful if team members are unlikely to ever meet in person.
Thinking Beyond the Technology Basics

We are surrounded by technology, yet often fail to think deeply about its implications or its possibilities. Take the time to think about the technology in your workplace and you'll find many ways to work more effectively. There are also many resources out there to help you get the help and ideas that you need. IT services, such as IT services Ottawa, can really help you make sure you are using your technology to the best of its ability.
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  1. 25 October 23

    The Importance of Dependability in the Workplace

    Dependability is the ability to be relied on. It means you do what you say, when you say you will, and do it well.

    Punctuality is one of the most clear-cut examples of dependability in the workplace. Arriving on time and being ready to work immediately shows a respect for everyone's time.


    Dependable employees are punctual, follow company policies and communicate clearly. They are also self-starters who can be trusted MHA FPX 5010 Assessment 1 to get the job done. Dependable team members meet deadlines and are often commended by management for putting in extra hours to ensure the work gets completed.

    Good verbal communication is a hallmark of dependability, which allows dependable employees to provide honest assessments and clear instructions to their colleagues. Dependable employees also provide easy-to-follow directions for new team members and are often able to resolve issues quickly.

    Classical performance measures such as response time and system throughput become dependability measures in the context of reliability evaluation because they characterize the system’s performance with respect to erroneous input. Other attributes such as survivability, availability and security can be viewed as extensions or specializations of dependability. However, it is important to recognize that systems can never be totally available, reliable, safe or secure because of the unavoidable presence and occurrence of faults.

    Time Management

    Dependable employees show up to work on time, and they usually get there a few minutes early so they can prepare for the day. They don't make last-minute changes to meetings, and they respect the time of others by giving adequate NR 360 RUA Week 3 Information systems in Healthcare notice when rescheduling meetings.

    Dependability is a combination of many features, some of which are directly quantifiable via metrics. Other features, such as safety, are subjective and require judgmental information.

    Being a dependable employee involves knowing how much you can take on, and stepping up to the plate when asked. It also means saying no if you can't do something – it's better to be honest than over-promise and under-deliver. Being a dependable team player is an excellent way to impress new employers, as it's one of the top qualities that most companies look for in candidates. Recruiters and hiring managers will appreciate that you're willing to go above and beyond to help them reach their goals.


    Dependability in the workplace is a quality that isn’t necessarily measured by how much you do, but rather by what you don’t do. For example, if your job requires physical labor and you know you have back problems, it is important to tell your employer before they assign you the task, so they can find another employee to take on the responsibility.

    Dependable employees will also offer to help out their coworkers and will always follow the rules. Even if they don’t agree with the rule or think it can be improved, they will still work within the guidelines. This is one of the main ways that dependable employees are able to make sure all their tasks are completed. In turn, this allows the entire company to operate more smoothly. This is especially helpful HCS 245 Week 3 Respiratory Disease for managers, who are unable to micromanage every single employee. Dependable employees can be counted on to perform their jobs well from month to month, day to day, and moment to moment.


    Dependable employees take on their roles seriously and do what they say they will do. They follow company policies, communicate clearly with others, and if they have trouble meeting their obligations they find ways to do so without jeopardizing the work of other team members.

    Punctuality is one of the clearest measurable elements of dependability. It shows that the employee respects their employer and coworkers' time by arriving on time to clock in and start working immediately.

    Responsiveness is another important element of dependability. Rather than waiting for express instructions, Dependable employees are able to identify their duties and formulate a plan on their own and get started. They are also able to quickly and efficiently respond to requests from coworkers, and if they can't help they are quick to admit it and find someone who can.

    Balancing workload is a final aspect of dependability. Taking on too much can lead to problems, so Dependable employees are able to determine what they can and cannot do and then prioritize accordingly.

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