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BYOK – The Key to Securing Cloud Platform

Published on 07 April 16
2 Priti rewarded for 2 times 2 Priti rewarded for 2 times   Follow
BYOK – The Key to Securing Cloud Platform - Image 1

Cloud continues to remain as efficient as it can be, but the one crucial issue that keeps drifting in IT managers mind all the while is security. No wonder how well cloud performs, the services becomes useless if it fails to meet the security standards. Data breach is hitting the headlines increasingly that is compelling companies to think twice on maintaining their database at an off-site facility.

With the growing demands for better cloud security, Cloud Providers enhanced their protection layers, especially data encryption. Now along with the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) technique, organizations are also attempting to encrypt data all by themselves. Moreover, some are going beyond by taking into hands the Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) policy.

Bring Your Own Encryption (BYOE)

Allowing your cloud solutions to encrypt as well as hold the encryption key can be risky. Instead of giving the responsibility to your hosting company, you can encrypt the data yourself and hold the keys in your hand.

Organizations seeking to attend both regulatory compliance along with data privacy can do it with the help of cloud services. This allows them to make the best utility of encryption technology and maintain their data securely within a third-party environment. For example, if your service provider offers encryption and holds the encryption key, an attacker might be able to gain access to your database and use the keys to exploit the data.

This is the reason why businesses are not ready to give responsibility of data encryption to a service provider. Rather companies are taking the challenge of encrypting their own data and managing it under their own infrastructure. With the implementation of this feature, organization gain the benefit of obtaining complete control and access to the database that further reduces the risks of attacks and breaches.

Encryption from Cloud Service Provider

More organizations are using the BYOE technique to protect their mission-critical data from hackers. While cloud service providers have experienced the growing interest in this feature, they have started providing their own version of BYOE. The service provider will encrypt customer data and the access and control of keys will be entirely provided to the customer. So when your crucial data is stored on a third-party cloud server, your administrator won’t be able to record the data. The process is completed without any external involvement or interruptions.

Is it the key to securing cloud platform?

If BYOE is your final call, then you’ll have to take the burden of deploying, managing and monitoring your infrastructure. You can either get the things done from a service provider and maintain the encryption key separately or do everything with your own strategies and with your own team. To certain extent, BYOE is a reliable option to protect protecting your data, but there are negative instances, too. Take a closer look at the feature and make your decision wisely.

This blog is listed under Cloud Computing , IT Strategy & Management and Server & Storage Management Community

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