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How WiFi has changed the world

Published on 19 November 14

The internet has had a transformative impact on our lives. A recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Centre found that over half of US web users would find it ‘very hard’ to give up internet access. The study also revealed that people would rather live without TV than without the web. The emergence of WiFi has been one of the major developments in the cyber realm over recent years. Being able to connect to the web remotely has revolutionised the manner in which people use the internet. Here are just some of the ways in which WiFi has changed the world we live in.


Shopping is a national pastime in countries like the UK and US, and people are increasingly turning to the web to make purchases. E commerce sales topped the $1 trillion mark globally in 2012. This has posed a challenge to traditional bricks and mortar stores. However, savvy retailers have switched onto the benefits of offering their customers free WiFi. Public WiFi solutions such as those offered by Airangel enable shops to provide consumers with quick and easy access to the web.

Because of this, people can now use their smartphones and tablets while wandering around stores to access deals, get product information, compare prices and share ideas with friends via social media.

It’s not only at the consumer end that WiFi has revolutionised shopping. Retailers are also benefiting from this technology. By using wireless internet systems that feature advanced customer relationship management tools, firms can access detailed consumer data and analytics that help them build a more accurate picture of their target market. In turn, this allows them to tailor their products and services to attract increased sales.


WiFi has also dramatically changed the way in which people communicate with each other. SMS is still a popular messaging system, but many smartphone owners now prefer to use the array of web-reliant apps that have been designed to make communication easier and cheaper. There are now a range of apps on offer with functions for group chats, video calls, gaming and more.

Wireless web has also increased people’s use of social media sites like Twitter and Facebook. Via their smartphones, tablets and laptops, people can keep up-to-date with the latest goings on in cyberspace while they’re out and about.

Mobile working

Another aspect of life that has been transformed by WiFi is work. Now, many people across the globe are able to perform their roles remotely. They can get online in hotel rooms, cafes, restaurants and a variety of other public places. They can even access the web on certain busses and trains. This means that getting work done outside the office is much easier than it used to be.

The trend towards increased mobile working is gaining momentum and many experts predict that working outside of traditional office environments will be the norm in the future.


WiFi is making its presence felt in healthcare settings too. Many doctors in modern hospitals and clinics now carry personal digital assistant (PDA) devices that enable them to check patient records and make notes on the move.

Meanwhile, wireless communication has also had a major impact on medical care in developing countries. Highlighting this point, a United Nations Foundation paper entitled ‘Wireless Technology for Social Change: Trends in Mobile Use by NGOs’ has revealed that PDAs are being used by care workers in Uganda to deliver medical information and disease treatment guidelines. The report also noted that use of wireless web-enabled devices proved useful in the collection of information in Uganda that helped to limit the spread of a typhoid outbreak.

These are just some of the important ways in which WiFi has changed the world around us. With this technology improving all the time, it’s a case of watch this space to see how wireless web continues to transform our lives.

How WiFi has changed the world - Image 1
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